Friday, February 5, 2010

Penny Auctions/Reverse Auctions at

Penny Auctions/Reverse Auctions at

How do I bid on Bidding on is straightforward. Just follow these four simple steps: Join us for free Charge-up your account with Bids Pick an auction Bid and win!


PR Log (Press Release) – Dec 16, 2009 –

Learning the ins and out of penny auction bidding

Join us for free

If you want to bid online, you´ll first need to sign up. Joining us is free and easy. As part of the sign up process, you will need to confirm your email address by clicking on the link in the confirmation email sent to your account.

Once you're confirmed: congratulations - you´ve joined us on swoop

Have Realistic Expectations

First, go into an auction with realistic expectations. It is important to understand that the most expensive items also have the most competition. Items that are over $1,000 in cost will often generate a lot of interest and bidding. It is not uncommon for these items to have over 100 people bid on them during the life of the auction. These auctions are high risk/high reward and they should be treated that way. Winning these auctions with a small number of bids is possible and happens every day This is not the norm however. Most users that win more expensive items have placed a significant number of bids before winning. Feel free to try your hand at winning with only a few bids placed, but do so with the knowledge that the odds are small of successfully winning.

Homework Does Pay Off

Second, focus on an item that you would like to win and watch auctions containing this item. There are many different factors that affect what price an item will ultimately sell for. Many of these things can be learned over time by watching and observing. For example, certain items will generate more competition and bidding at night than in the afternoon. Savvy users are often rewarded for doing research before bidding on a large auction.

Focus on the Goal

A couple more tips before you get started. Focus your bidding on one auction at a time. Users who focus their attention on one item have a higher success rate and are generally more satisfied with their experience using SwoopBug. Also, go into an auction with a sufficient number of bids so that you will not have to leave the page to buy more bids while the auction is going on. Finally, set a budget of how many bids you are willing to spend and stick to it.

What if I don’t Win?

We are committed at SwoopBug to provide our guests entertaining shopping and great deals. One way that we stand by this commitment is through offering the option to “Buy it Now”. The “Buy it Now” feature allows you to use any bids that were placed during an auction towards the retail market value of that product. It is our way of showing how much we appreciate your business.

We hope this helps you pull in the “Big Deal” and we’d love to hear from our users of other tips they have to help win the “Big One” in our comments section below.

SwoopBug does not guarantee that using the above suggestions will lead to winning any auction. The article above should be viewed as an opinion

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